Salesforce Experience Cloud

Salesforce Experience Cloud, formerly known as Community Cloud, is a powerful platform offered by Salesforce that enables organizations to create branded online communities and portals for their employees, customers, partners, and other stakeholders. These communities serve as a central hub for collaboration, engagement, and self-service, allowing businesses to provide a personalized and seamless experience to their users. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore Salesforce Experience Cloud and delve into what you can do with it.

Key Features of Salesforce Experience Cloud

Community Building

Salesforce Experience Cloud allows you to create branded communities quickly and easily. You can build custom community templates to match your organization’s branding, ensuring a consistent user experience.


With Experience Cloud, you can tailor the content, features, and layout of your communities to meet the unique needs and preferences of different user groups. Personalization enhances user engagement and satisfaction.

Security and Permissions

Salesforce provides robust security features to protect your data and control access to information within your communities. You can define roles, profiles, and permissions to ensure that users only see what they are authorized to see.


Experience Cloud seamlessly integrates with other Salesforce products, such as Sales Cloud and Service Cloud, as well as third-party applications. This integration enables you to provide a unified experience and access to data across your entire ecosystem.

Engagement Tools

You can foster engagement within your communities using tools like discussion forums, Chatter (Salesforce’s social collaboration platform), and gamification features. These tools promote communication, knowledge sharing, and problem-solving.

Case Management

Experience Cloud supports case management, enabling users to submit and track support requests, report issues, and receive assistance within the community. This streamlines customer support and enhances user satisfaction.

What You Can Do with Salesforce Experience Cloud:

Customer Self-Service: Create self-service portals where customers can find answers to their questions, access product documentation, and troubleshoot common issues independently. This reduces the strain on your customer support team and improves customer satisfaction.

Partner Collaboration: Extend your ecosystem by providing partners with access to resources, training materials, and sales tools. Experience Cloud facilitates collaboration with distributors, resellers, and other partners, helping you drive channel sales.

Employee Onboarding and Collaboration: Streamline internal processes by creating communities for employees. Use these communities for onboarding, sharing company policies, and fostering collaboration among team members, even if they work remotely.

Knowledge Sharing: Build knowledge bases and libraries to centralize important information for your users. This can include product documentation, FAQs, best practices, and more, making it easy for users to find the information they need.

Events and Training: Host virtual events, webinars, and training sessions within your communities. This is especially useful for organizations that offer training and certification programs to their customers or partners.

Customer Feedback and Ideation: Use the community to collect customer feedback, suggestions, and ideas. Engage your customers in the product development process and gain valuable insights into their preferences and needs.

Analytics and Reporting: Salesforce Experience Cloud provides built-in analytics and reporting tools, allowing you to track user engagement, measure the success of your community, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the user experience.

SaaSnic's extensive experience with Salesforce Experience Cloud

SaaSnic has cultivated a remarkable track record of success with Salesforce Experience Cloud, demonstrating its proficiency in leveraging this powerful platform to help numerous companies design and develop their websites. Through its extensive experience and expertise, SaaSnic has consistently delivered outstanding solutions that enable businesses to create engaging and user-centric online communities.

By harnessing the capabilities of Salesforce Experience Cloud, SaaSnic has empowered these companies to establish a strong digital presence and build effective online environments tailored to their specific needs. SaaSnic’s deep understanding of the platform’s features and functionalities has allowed it to guide organizations in crafting branded and personalized websites that resonate with their target audience.

The collaboration between SaaSnic and these companies has yielded impressive results, including enhanced customer self-service portals, improved partner collaboration ecosystems, and streamlined internal processes through employee-focused communities. SaaSnic’s dedication to maximizing the potential of Salesforce Experience Cloud has translated into tangible benefits for its clients, such as increased customer satisfaction, more efficient operations, and the ability to foster innovation and knowledge sharing.